Make Dogma part of your Community - Dogma

Make Dogma part of your Community

Susana with her cat, George

I’m not a particularly neighborly person. The idea of going around with baked goods and light-hearted chitchat always sounds appealing, but I just seem to expect everyone else to do it while I limit my extroversion to writing blogs about being anti-social. Nothing against my neighbors, in any of the places I’ve lived (well, most of the neighbors); I’m just not social that way. Unless you’re a fellow animal lover. There’s no easier way to get me to talk to you than having a happy pup or cat to pave the way. I must thank my pets for saving me from complete isolation. Indeed many of us find ourselves connecting with others over our pets, cooing and doting over each other’s animals like other parents do with their human children. There’s a kinship in this; in knowing we are not the only ones who obsess over the details those non-animal folk don’t usually understand.

So what about taking this loose network of mutual gushing a step further? What about caring for one another’s animals literally as opposed to just superficially? About opening up our homes and not just passing each other in the streets. What about solidifying those connections and forming a community of pet guardians? This is where Dogma comes in.  This is where seeking a cat-sitter doesn’t have to be a stressful endeavor because its about neighbors and community and mutual animal love. In knowing our neighbors we build trust and finding a sitter is as easy as checking in with who’s available in your area and feeling good about it because you know they’re responsible with their “kids” too. Or maybe you have a teen neighbor who’s always wanted a cat, but her parents prefer not to bless their home with some feline love so she is eager to learn about cat care and shower your kitty with attention. Most importantly, you can easily get to know her because she’s right there. Getting to know your neighbors can be productive and mutually beneficial and not just about passing conversation.

In today’s hectic lifestyle we’ve come to ignore one another save for those fleeting interludes. despite our often close quarters, sharing of alleys and fences and condo living, we spend our barely their home time in front of the TV or computer and never mind the people right outside our door. Dogma wants to be a part of community building. Why board your cat in a kennel when you head out of town when you know they hate it? Why not utilize those neighbor connections? Let’s help one another out and do it knowing you’re doing what’s best for your fur babies. Join Dogma today!