Free Pet Sitting

Dogma is Free Pet Sitting for Neighborhoods. It is free to join and there is no purchase necessary.  It is free to use forever and all we ask is that you pay-it-forward. Neighbors within a six-mile radius can enjoy pet sitting for each other. is the first online community that provides pay-it-forward pet sitting.  Here are a few things to remember when signing up:

  1. Please complete pet profile so that whoever accepts the pet sitting request knows & understands the type of dog / cat they will be pet sitting for.
  2. Aside from completing your pets profile, please complete your profile as well.
  3. When posting a pet sitting request on the public wall only users within a 6 mile radius will be able to see it.  Please note that each request on the public wall will inform you how far that other Member is from your zip code.
  4. Please meet-up before the requested date so you can be sure of each other and the dog / cat can be introduced properly
  5. Feel free to cancel requests on the public wall and make sure you inform the other person in advance
  6. All Users are pet lovers, please be appreciative of the help from your neighbors.
  7. Please read the pet sitting guide, point system and pet sitting via house visits before hand so that you understand how this community works.

Thank you for joining the first every free neighborhood pet sitting community!  Please note that you can also find paid pet sitters in your neighborhood and we only charge a 5% service fee so your pet sitters make more money and you save more money!  Its a great community, you should join 🙂

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