Author: Fevi

  • People food and dog food are all food

    People food and dog food are all food

    Stopped by Giant in Ashburn, VA because they were having sale on chicken.  Ok, I  lie, I went in there to buy some “Skinny POP” but then saw that the chicken was on sale.  Two large broilers for less than $15!  What a steal. We have 3 dogs and we feed them raw but on…

  • All Natural Flea and Tick Repellant

    All Natural Flea and Tick Repellant

    I use to be one of those super paranoid Pet Parents and I use to put the pharmaceutical anti-flea and tick medication like clockwork, every month on the dot.  I never missed a date.   We use to use  Nextguard and Sentinel and like a regular consumer, I never really thought about how it worked, I…

  • Dogma’s Revenue Streams

    Dogma’s Revenue Streams

    Everytime we went on pet shows we had this huge banner, “Free Pet Sitting” and quite a number of folks would come over to say hello and ask us how it works.  Before they leave, the more curious ones will ask, “so how do you guys make money?” Revenue Streams Commission from Pet Sitting Services…

  • Supplements for Senior Dogs

    Supplements for Senior Dogs

    As your dogs age, you will notice so many things change.   My dog Junior went from a happy go-lucky pup to an old scrooge within the the span of 12 months and he didn’t seem like the same dog.  He stopped wanting to go for long walks.  He stopped wanting to run up and…

  • Hyperthyroidism in Cats

    Hyperthyroidism in Cats

    Tabitha (Tabby) was our foster cat. She was adopted four months ago. Recently, the adoptive Mom called up the Rescue that we volunteer for and asked if they could “take the cat back because she was peeing everywhere.” We called Tabitha, ‘Dresser Cat’ because when we first got her she was so scared of everything…

  • Probiotics for Optimum Health

    Probiotics for Optimum Health

    Probiotics are supplements that people take to help boost their immune system.  Like people, dogs need help boosting their immune systems as well.  If you feed your dog dry food, its even more important to give them probiotics because dry food doesn’t provide the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your dogs need. Reasons why your dogs…

  • Dog Food and Supplements for Liver Health

    Dog Food and Supplements for Liver Health

    When I agreed to foster a dog who was only 6 years old and was dying of liver disease, it was a hard to decision to make.  I had never fostered a dog that was dying and in my heart I knew it was going to be very hard to deal with emotionally because it…

  • Healthy treats for Cats

    Healthy treats for Cats

    We have a foster cat who is 15 years old.  She was adopted out but was returned after 4 months because she had developed hyperthyroidism.  When I went to pick her up, I saw 4 large plastic containers of Temptations cat treats, definitely not healthy treats for cats.  We call it “kitty crack” because cats can’t seem…

  • The best raw cat food my cats love

    We have been searching for raw food for our cats for about 2 years now.  We’ve tried so many other raw cat food but they never took to it, even when we starved them.  Cats are picky eaters and some of them are heavily addicted to commercial dry food.   As soon as I put a…

  • Best Cat Litter Option

    Best Cat Litter Option

    Have you ever wondered what the best cat litter is?  I remember coming home with a kitten 10 years ago and rushing to the supermarket to buy cat litter and a cat litter box. I picked up the most expensive cat litter I could find but didn’t really know anything.  One of the things that…

  • Best Veggies to feed your dogs

    Best Veggies to feed your dogs

    Supplementing dog food with raw, fresh veggies / fruits is a great idea so that they become healthier. The minute food is cooked, it loses vital nutrients so dog food manufacturers have to add synthetic supplements to dog food to meet the AAFCO standard. (Association of American Feed Control Officials) Because these supplements are not organic,…

  • Benefits of Wild Salmon Oil for Dogs

    We started using Wild Salmon Oil for ours dogs when one of them came back positive for cancer about 3 years ago.  He has had surgery since and aside from feeding him a more natural diet, we also supplement with Wild Salmon Oil.  His cancer hasn’t come back yet even though the vet had informed me…

  • Free Pet Sitting equates to more Paying Clients

    Free Pet Sitting is the fastest way to get new clients People love the concept of paying-it-forward, I think in some of us, it’s a natural desire.  If you pet sit for Members of your Community for free and they like your service, the chances of them coming back to you when they need your services…

  • The True Adventures of a Free Pet Sitter

    We started Dogma, Free neighborhood pet sitting, because we realized we needed something just like it, yet the typical pet care market lacked such a service.  We make a middle class income and yet when it came to pet sitting and holidays, we always had issues finding a pet sitter and / or money to pay…

  • 1000 Free Pet Sitting Requests for NoVA and DC

    The Co-Founder and Chief Pet Sitter of, Ms. Fevi Yu has accepted the challenge of Pet Sitting for FREE to anyone who needs a pet sitter in the Northern Virginia and Washington, DC areas.  Ms. Yu has been a pet owner for over 15 years and she is an insured pet sitter with Pet Sitters…

  • Digestive Enzymes for Optimum Dog Health

    If you have ever wondered what supplements your dog needs to live an optimized life here is one of them, Digestive Enzymes are so important because your pets cannot absorb the nutrients from the food they eat. There is a long list of benefits for giving your dogs digestive enzymes, here are the best reasons:…

  • Join Dogma, Win an iFetch!

    We are loving this toy and are going to give one away to a lucky Member of Dogma.  It is great for pets that are left home alone as it gives them something to do.  In Dogma we strongly believe in ensuring that our pets are never bored and thats why we recommend this product.…

  • Facebook Registration

    We are super excited to announce that Users can now register through Facebook.   Our Facebook integration is seamless but you will still need to provide a username, email and your zip code for BETA testing purposes. Why did we need to integrate with Facebook?  The main reason was convenient for Users: since Facebook has already verified…

  • On our Mission of Free Pet Sitting

    Since we started free pet sitting,  its been such a whirlwind of activity.  Its has also been great getting to know other peoples pets.  I love how they each have such different personalities or should I say, dog-alities and cat-alities. I’ve been at this now for a couple of months and I have to say…

  • Request to Pet Sit Bo & Sunny Obama

    August 26, 2015 Dear Mr. President, On your birthday I heard your speech at Demo Day at the White House. You mentioned that less than 3% of VC’s backed Female-Founded Companies. You also mentioned that your Administration was going to do its part in helping increase the dismal figures of diversity in Tech. I am…

  • adds Northern Virginia to its Pilot Program

    What is Dogma? Dogma is FREE community pet sitting.  Once you register for  — you can post pet sitting requests on your public wall and neighbors within a six mile radius will be able to see your request and can choose to accept it.   The currency in is time so you do not…

  • Dogma updates User Interface

    We have finally updated our User Interface and we are loving the way it gives more importance to the three things highlighted here: Point System – in the old interface, the points system was lost in all the text and it wasn’t given the attention that it deserved.  In Dogma, everything you do is tied…

  • Photo Contest

    What sort of images capture interest of Users? Apparently, sweet photos of a smiling guy with a cat on his shoulder can increase the number of impressions three-fold.  We had no idea that this photo alone would be responsible for over half the activity in a week, but we are certainly thrilled! Here is the Ad we posted on with the tagline:…

  • DC Cat Sitter

    If you are looking for an awesome cat sitter in the DC area, you may just have found her.  My name is Fevi Yu and I am the Founder and Chief Pet Sitter of — a pay-it-forward pet sitting service. Sign up now if you want me to pet sit your cat.  I will personally…

  • Mobile site

    We have been in the process of creating a mobile site and not a native app and we are very close to completing the mobile site.  We only have QA left to do!  We chose to create a mobile site instead of a native app because it just makes sense for us at this point, we don’t have…

  • Welcome Home Charlie B!

    We adopted our 4th pup, who is not really a pup anymore. He is a senior dog believed to be around 8 to 10 years old. It was easy to fall in love with Charlie. I mean look at his kennel photo… It took another 2 months for him to get to us as he…

  • Issues with new Banners

    We have finally put in new banners on the homepage and we hope you like them.  It was a struggle looking for stock photos.  Eventually we want to do our own photo shoot, but right now these will have to do.  We want to apologize as well for the lack of diversity.  We could not…

  • Free Pet Sitting for Residents of DC and NOVA

    My name is Fevi Yu and I am the Founder and Chief Pet Sitter of — a pay-it-forward pet sitting community. I will personally be pet sitting for Residents of DC and NOVA in the next coming months. Founder Background I currently have 4 dogs and 2 cats of my own. I also have…

  • Community Pet Sitting, Registration will be closed

    We are removing boarding and playdates as options on the services provided and strictly only providing pet sitting services called “House calls” — here are a few reasons why: We want to make sure our Members are certain in their ability to deliver pet care services.  So we want to see how well our Pet Guardian community…

  • Even before Dogma

    Even before we started Dogma we were already practicing what it was in essence. Taking care of my in-laws’ cat. This chubby guy is called Gordo and he is from B’more! Exchange of Services When Gordo got sick a few months back, my mother and father-in-law could not take care of him because they were both…

  • Make Dogma part of your Community

    I’m not a particularly neighborly person. The idea of going around with baked goods and light-hearted chitchat always sounds appealing, but I just seem to expect everyone else to do it while I limit my extroversion to writing blogs about being anti-social. Nothing against my neighbors, in any of the places I’ve lived (well, most…

  • A Community of Pet Guardians

    We changed our logo’s call to action today.  It use to be Boarding, Playdates, Errands.  We figured that was a way of attracting more members who needed those services.  In retrospect, we aren’t trying to build the largest online community of pet lovers, what we are trying to do is build the largest online community…

  • Free Pet Food Delivery for Members

    We are so excited to announce the Free Pet Food Delivery for Members of — the system is a work around and is not directly tied into the general database as of yet. We are still in BETA and would like to test this function before we integrate it properly. We are hoping that…

  • Cat Vs. Dog People

    I think I’m a cat person. Without reading any studies or taking any Facebook quizzes I say this because I prefer a quiet atmosphere late in the evening and minimal social interaction. I also say this the same moment our cat Jack demands my attention by rubbing himself back and forth against my legs; when…

  • Strict Verification Process

      In keeping with the safety and trust of our members, we have just completed our verification process which includes a police clearance, house visits, veterinarian reference and 2 recommendation letters. Once a user has passed all requirements they will become a verified member of Dogma and will have the paw symbol on their profiles.…

  • Public Wall Functionality

    We started with the most simple concept:  Board my dog and I will board your dog for free.  We took it a little further and included playdates and errands. We are now realizing that the easier the concept the harder it is to replicate, technology-wise.  There are so many nuances of the human language and…

  • Pet Sitting Rates Washington, D.C.

    Table 1 shows the cost of pet sitting one pet in Washington, D.C. for 2 days in mid-July, 2015. The same parameters were used in the search fields of each given website and the most affordable rates were chosen. Some individual pet sitting rates were as high as $99/day so for two days that would…

  • Toys for dogs who are left home alone

    Now that Easter is almost here, I’m sure there are a lot of folks who are traveling out of town. Who is going to care for your pets? Are you taking them with you? Great! And if not, have you prepared your pets for your absence? We have 4 dogs and making sure that they…

  • House Call Services

    If you own a cat, you will be able to relate to this. One of the things I use to dread when we went on vacation was leaving our cats in boarding. It would stress me out just by thinking of putting them in boarding because I knew just how miserable, anxious and stressed they…

  • An Important Objective

    Humane Society of the United States estimate that every year 6 to 8 million animals are returned to the shelters. 2.7 Million Adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized. Those are real stats and we hope to have a big impact by reducing those numbers to zero. So many stories of so many animals who need…

  • Welcome Georgie the Dog, I mean Cat!

    We recently adopted a new dog, that is, I keep thinking he is a dog because he seems to have a thing for sniffing, following the dogs around, and sleeping with them, but he purrs and looks like a cat, so he must be a cat! Meet Georgie! He was in a foster home for…

  • Pet-sitting Exchange!

    My partner and I created Dogma so that we didn’t have to feel like we had no choice, but to stay home every time there was an opportunity for a weekend getaway.  We love to travel but we were often faced with the dilemma of who to find to care for our furry children and…

  • Proximity Distance Function

    We are very exited to announce that we have added a proximity distance function on the public wall.  The system will take the center of the zip code as the distance peg for the entire zip code. In other words, if your zip code is the same as another member, you will see the distance as 0 miles.  This…

  • Washington, D.C. Practical Pet Care Services

    If you are a resident of Washington, D.C. and are looking for a modern practical pet care solution, you have just found it! Quid Pro Quo + Sharing Economy = Dogma. Dogma kicks off its Beta Testing round in the Nation’s capital.  If you have pets, a full time job, a family and kids… well,…

  • Social Media for Dogma

    So we have set up two Social Media Accounts for Dogma.  We hope to set up more in the following days to come.  In the mean time, here is the difference between Facebook and Twitter; follow or like, whatever rocks your boat! Facebook is the mother of Social Media, so it is only right that…

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